Alexander Putney | Earth Resonance Changes, October 26, 2011


Human Resonance has been organized to share the rediscovery of a superfluid resonance technology of our ancient Sanskrit mother culture, crystallizing the body and synchronizing human consciousness. Alex Putney reveals the ancient Sanskrit mandala as a nonlinear geometric model of consciousness: the Unified Field reflecting the octagonal symmetry of prime numbers.

Alex's synthesis of modern and ancient science has been supported by grants from the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation (98', 00') and Brandeis-Hayes Traveling Fellowship (02'). The deepest origins of this work have been traced to past life memories only recently recalled.

Meditation, visualization and research have illuminated the sacred Sanskrit mandala of consciousness replete in the teachings of indigenous elders around the world, who steward our hearts into awareness of the profound electromagnetic changes now occurring through the emanations of sacred sites and celestial waters.
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